African Drums
Jony Easterby 1999

To coincide with the revamping of the Ridding Wood Trail in 1991, Will Menter produced several wooden sound sculptures, which could be played and were regularly to be heard echoing out around the valley. By the end of the 1990s, however, they were looking a little worse for wear, so in 1999 Jony Easterby was summoned to create some replacements.
His 'African Drums' stood several feet tall, towering above the walker by the side of the path. They had a vertical slit up the middle and a stick was provided for you to happily rattle around up the centre of the cylindrical sculpture, allowing everyone in the valley to appreciate your dazzling musical ability.
Also by this artist:
Hive 1996
Wind Thrust 1996
Frozen Sound 1999
Marimba 1999
Photograph by Amelia Harvey