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Sessile Seat

Jim Partridge and Liz Walmsley 1991

This was another seat on the Ridding Wood Trail. The walk was intended as a trail for the disabled and elderly, resulting in a need for more resting places along the route. Meg Falconer wrote about the forest's various seats in 'Natural Order' and said of 'Sessile Seat':

"This is more the 'expected' seat found along any path. Using one huge piece of sessile oak, its supporting legs are forever planted, immovable and strong. A seat where to watch 'passers-by'."

In the background of the picture you'll be able to make out Jim Partridge and Liz Walsmley's next stop, 'The Sheltered Seat', which we'll come to shortly.

Also by this artist:

Wooden Walkway 1986

Logpile Bridge 1987

Larch Arch 1991

Serpentine Seat 1991

The Sheltered Seat 1991

Tunnel Vision 1992


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