Woven Ash Ball
Andy Goldsworthy 1984

Photograph by Mark Prior
As the only one of Andy Goldsworthy's sculptures at Grizedale that I never actually saw, I can't tell you too much about 'Woven Ash Ball', other than the fact that it was sited on the climb up to Carron Crag, somewhere behind 'Midnight Feast', but it wasn't there for very long.
Grizedale was something of a transformative experience for Goldsworthy, as he stated in 'A Sense Of Place':
"Grizedale not only made me see things afresh, but provided the means by which I was able to draw together experiences, forms and ideas from work in other places and materials - ice, bracken, sticks, mud, stones, etc."
It's worth pointing out that the ball was significantly bigger than this picture makes it look, as you'll see in the image here.
Also by this artist:
Seven Spires 1984
Sidewinder 1985
Cone 1988