Charcoal Art
Mary Low 2006

Andy Frost's 'Chieftain In A Hot Spot' was located on a massive rock on the road up to Bogle Crag. It was long gone by 2006, when Mary Low's 'Charcoal Art' took its place - a charcoal drawing of a ring surrounded by various sights of the forest; an eagle, a digger, a hiker and others, covering almost the entirety of the rock face. As well as this, there were also other drawings - a man spearing his prey on the rock around the corner, backed by a man with a chainsaw, as well as a fairly large drawing of a deer over on the other side of Bogle Crag, where Maseo Ueno's 'Axis Of Earth' used to be. Sadly, the only picture remaining today is the man with the spear.
Here's Mary Low explaining her mantra and approach to her artwork:
"Through persistent revisiting of the subject, I eventually begin to perceive the essential nature of the place, which then informs the final work.
I have continued to develop my techniques, drawing and the use of colour remains the foundation for all my work. The fragments of materials are layered and mark the passing of time, the rituals of making (drawing, cutting, gathering materials, machining, sewing) acting as part of the narrative of the work."