Last Stand At Bogle Crag
Andy Frost 1985

In 1985 on the steep forest road that heads up to Bogle Crag, Andy Frost built a trio of sculptures around the theme of the old American west. This was the first one you would encounter if you were walking up the road and was a giant cactus with two heads, and guns for arms, as mad as that sounds. There were also little Native American men poking
their heads out from behind the trees. All in all it was a mischievous piece and along with Frost's 'Shootin' Moose' and 'Chieftain In A Hot Spot', it really gave that stretch of road a character all of its own. 'Last Stand At Bogle Crag' was removed slightly earlier than the other two and Frost had this to say about it in the guide:
"A cactus amongst the trees, vertical and camouflaged, emphasised by its 'ambush' context."
If I ever took any pictures of the Last Stand I lost them long ago; the photo to the left is from the Grizedale Archive.
Fellow sculpture hunter Amelia Harvey (who was a constant source of help and information while building this site) is a fan of this one, and she has an excellent close-up picture on her site.
Also by this artist:
Shootin' Moose 1985
Adventure Playground 1987
Stag Herd Roof 1994