Charlie Whinney 2017

Charlie Whinney's other sculpture at Grizedale is a bit further off the beaten track than 'Mountains We Made', but not too far. Just follow the Millwood Trail anti-clockwise until it climbs to meet the forest road, then turn off to the right and walk north for a couple of minutes. After you pass one of the forest's lesser-known beauty spots, a huge waterfall cascading into a narrow ravine, 'Sharing' will be ahead of you, impossible to miss. It more commonly goes by the name of 'Wood For The Trees', but to avoid confusion with muf's visitor centre piece I've used its alternate title.
It is an impressive work; a ribbon of tree that has seemingly fallen and entwined itself with another. The bent wood stretches all the way up to the top of the tree, making this a sculpture which is probably best seen in winter, since much of it would be hidden by greenery in the warmer months. It is a work which has been displayed in different incarnations around the country, and is described on Charlie Whinney's website as:
"About 400 metres of ash and oak, 200 millimetres wide by 10 millimetres thick, steam-bent."
Also by this artist:
Mountains We Made 2018