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Willow Ladder II

David Nash 1979

After the first 'Willow Ladder' was used as a snack for a deer, David Nash had another go the following year. One leg still stands, but I'm unsure whether this is a leg of the initial ladder, or the second attempt. I'm also not certain whether they were in the same location, or whether they had different sites. If they were on display at the same spot though, that deer probably couldn't believe its luck when another one suddenly sprang up.

In 'A Sense Of Place', several sketches show that the second 'Willow Ladder' was constructed from eight separate specimens of young willow saplings, which were then pruned and joined to form the sculpture.

Also by this artist:

Fork Ladder 1978

Horned Tripod 1978

Running Table 1978

Standing Branch 1978

Sweeping Larch Enclosure 1978

Willow Ladder 1978

Wooden Waterway 1978


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