Stone Red Wallow
Nigel Lloyd 1983

Photograph by Mike Oram
Nigel Lloyd's fourth piece could be found just across the path from his 'Half Moon Stakes' sculpture, along what we will call the 'Living Wood footpath' for the benefit of this description, just south of Carron Crag. Lloyd spoke to the old sculpture and art publication 'Aspects' about his time in Grizedale, with this to say about 'Stone Red Wallow':
"While walking around the forest letting my mind and body wander on flights of fancy, I came across beaten-down grass, covered in hoof prints. It is at these points that the red deer come and wallow. Around the end of September, the forest is usually alive with the baying of red deer (as it's their rutting season). The sound that the deer make seemed to me to be a cross between a large dog barking and a lion's roar; very frightening if one's not been told about it. Unfortunately because September was very damp the deer remained for the most part out of sight and hearing, apart from the occasional roar early morning or late afternoon.
Seeing the red deer wallows and knowing about the rutting season prompted me to make 'Stone Red Wallow'. The piece is sited close to an old red wallow and close to existing wallows. I wanted to use materials in a way that would be in keeping with the natural environment and its specific location. I also wanted to make something that was as unobtrusive as possible, thus it's not very high, although sited in a depression with high ground all round. By using stone to make an open circle, the structure should remain for quite a long time, in much the same way as the deer wallows are used by generation after generation of deer."
Unfortunately, none of Nigel Lloyd's sculptures remain now (that I can find), which is a shame, because Lloyd was one of the important figures in the early eighties phase of the sculpture project at Grizedale. Of the five pieces he made, though, 'Stone Red Wallow' is the most likely to still be there, but since I never saw it in the first place, I'm not sure of the exact location.
Also by this artist:
For The Birds 1983
The Fortress 1983
Half Moon Stakes 1983