Wind Thrust
Jony Easterby 1999

Powys-based artist Jony Easterby's website has this as 'Windblown', but since we've already got a sculpture by that name on the list, we'll use its original name as it appeared on the maps. 'Wind Thrust' was an excellent piece located in a commanding spot at the top of Bogle Crag. Four giant weather vanes (there are only three in the picture; I was standing underneath the other one), spinning and pointing in the wind; these were mightily impressive structures and could be seen from several spots on the eastern side of the valley. Easterby said of 'Wind Thrust' at the time:
"The energy of the wind brings life through movement.
The four points of axis amplify the wind for us, the wings harness its chaos and flow. As a family they interact in a playful manner,disagreeing, creating eddies, stealing each other's wind, then finally moving together."
Easterby's artworks are often spectacular to behold. His 'Barmouth Fire Ship' involved the burning of an actual ship in Barmouth Harbour in Summer 2006, its masts and hull lit up against the night sky.
Also by this artist:
Hive 1996
African Drums 1999
Frozen Drums 1999
Marimba 1999