Untitled No. 2
David Evison 1980

David Evison's second abstract piece was situated on the long stretch of road where Kees Bierman's 'Raised Wall' used to be. It seems Evison invested a lot of time into finding a location for each of his sculptures, if this quote from 'A Sense of Place' is anything to go by:
"My initial idea was to work expressly for a chosen place, but eventually it was trial and error and acquaintance with the environment which determined the outcome. The forest walks offered unexpected and enclosed spaces so that one could not see a sculpture from a long way off. This was a great advantage as the surprise of coming across a sculpture is one of the best ways of seeing sculpture outdoors: you are brought into immediate and close contact with the work and its sense of scale."
Also by this artist:
Untitled No. 1 1980
Untitled No. 3 1980
Untitled No. 4 1980
Photograph by Mark Prior