Wall Relief
Ken Turnell 1984
Nothing much is known about this one, other than the name and year, but we do have a couple of quotes knocking about which give us a clue as to what it may have looked like. Firstly, this from Bill Grant in 'A Sense Of Place':
"It was a natural progression to widen the scope of the whole scheme and involve the local community. Local schools were now approached, the first being the John Ruskin School at Coniston, a large comprehensive school, and Ken Turnell, who by this time was working in ceramics, scored an absolute bullseye! With the enthusiastic help of Dave Macauley, the art master, the pupils produced a range of sculptured heads in clay, whilst Ken was given the full run of the school's art department during the holidays, to enable him to produce a monumental bas relief in fired clay, to be sited at Grizedale."
While in the 1984 Grizedale map, Ken Turnell himself said:
"I came back in 1984 to help extend the sculpture scheme to local schools. As well as involving the pupils, who worked in clay, I produced the large ceramic wall relief sited in the campsite forecourt."
Of course back in the day, the campsite was where we now find the main car park. From the looks of the aforementioned map, 'Wall Relief' was on the side of the building which is now the Yan, but until someone comes forward with a photograph you'll have to just use your imagination with regards to how it looked.
Also by this artist:
Beech Watch 1978
Forest Flight 1978
The Rider 1978
Sawrey Bank Watch 1978
The Eye 1984