Church In The Woods
S. Mark Gubb 2003

This was a two-part project. The first part was the building of, as the above heading may suggest, a church in the woods, up at Bogle Crag just by the side of the forest road. It was built in the classic American frontier style (it would have fitted in quite well with Andy Frost's works along this stretch, removed a few years previously) and had a backwoods, B-movie feel to it, which brings us to part two.
The second phase of Gubb's installation used the church for the setting of an amateur horror film, written and directed by Gubb himself, entitled 'The Church of the Greys'. This modern-day video-nasty created a fake backstory for the little chapel, and was co-written with Barrow rock band Zenolith, who appeared in the film, along with their friends, families, and apparently even their pets.
I only saw it once (the church, not the film), not long after it was built, but already a tree had fallen through it. The only picture I have is this atmospheric/slightly rubbish shot of my co-walker Ken having a look inside. Happily, I can safely report that we were not set upon by chainsaw-wielding rednecks or bloodthirsty zombies.