Squirrel Marimba
Will Menter 1991

Photographs by Will Menter
Of Will Menter's three musical 'Marimba' sculptures to be built on the Ridding Wood Trail in 1991, this was definitely the hardest to knock out a tune on, unless you were determined and demented enough to throw sticks at it from the forest floor. It was suspended from the trees halfway along the Ridding Wood Trail, just near Jim Partridge and Liz Walsmley's 'Sheltered Seat'.
Pictures of this one are hard to come by and these snaps come courtesy of Will Menter himself, who said of 'Squirrel Marimba':
"Squirrel Marimba was meant to be played by the wind as well as by squirrels, but I never heard it make a sound - so it became one of my very few sculptures that are purely visual."
Also by this artist:
Millipede Marimba 1991
Rabbit Hole Marimba 1991