Sawrey Bank Watch
Ken Turnell 1978
I can't tell you much about this one. I don't know where it was and I'm not even one hundred per-cent sure that the year at the top of the page is correct. All I can do is show you this grainy old photograph. I mean, I don't want to sound alarmist, but the name would suggest it wasn't in Grizedale at all, given that Sawrey is a couple of miles away. Still, it got a mention in the Grizedlae Archive list which was published a few years ago, so I'll keep my wild theories to myself.
Ken Turnell was amongst the first batch of sculptors at Grizedale and he threw himself into the work with gusto. He described his experience of working in the forest in 'A Sense Of Place':
"Having come from a large town to live in Grizedale, I also noticed a sharpening of senses that had dulled. Instead of closing off noise, and any distractive forms as I do in the city, I felt more inquisitive and instead of passing through the city to some destination, I felt no similar need in the forest. The place was complete. Important elements of wind, night, darkness and all changes of weather and their effects in transforming all natural form was abundant and very potent."
Also by this artist:
Beech Watch 1978
Forest Flight 1978
The Rider 1978
The Eye 1984
Wall Relief- 1984