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Light Column

Charles Bray 1995

The first 'Light Column' stands proudly at Bogle Crag car park, in the small meadow just beyond the trees. Charles Bray said of the stone and glass structure:

"This work is based on spectacular rock formations with vertical strata in the Gorges D'Allier in the Auvergne. Water had been running down in some places and when caught by the sunlight gave an illusion of the rock being split by strips of glass.

In Light Column, strips of glass have been fitted in various lengths so that the horizontal joints reflect the light to the vertical surfaces to give points of greater brilliance."

This is a lovely spot (I watched the solar eclipse here in 2000) but scandalously the picnic bench has been removed. Hopefully it will soon get replaced, because this is a good place to sit and kill some time.

Also by this artist:

Light Column II 1995

Light Column III 1995


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