Sheep and Dry Stone Wall
Alan Grimwood 1980
'Sheep and Dry Stone Wall' was located where 'Seed' can now be found (or thereabouts) and was the first sculpture to use dry stone walling as an intrinsic part of its design. It is one of the first sculptures I remember seeing, when I was very young, so it holds a special place in my heart. Alan Grimwood spoke about the piece in 'A Sense of Place':
"The second sculpture I worked on involved a wooden sheep and a section of dry stone wall. Many parts of the forest are criss-crossed with stone walls and I wanted to use the structure of these in the next sculpture. The sheep was made in the studio and stained and varnished prior to being taken to its site. The section of wall was then constructed around the sheep using stone from one of the many walls that have fallen down. Hopefully, as time passes, the sculpture will take on some of the same properties as the original old dry stone walls."
Also by this artist:
Figure In A Pond 1980
Figure On Rollers 1980
Rabbit 1980
Rabbit 2 1984