Figure On Rollers
Alan Grimwood 1980
Not its official name of course, but during his initial residency in 1980, Alan Grimwood actually built a fourth sculpture at Grizedale which he wasn't one hundred per cent happy with, as he says in this revealing quote from Peter Davies and Tony Knipe's book 'A Sense of Place':
"The final sculpture was a figure on rollers which was sited in a clearing in the forest. The figure was a struggle and there are still some ideas within it to be resolved. I want to work on it further when I return to Grizedale later this year, to see how all the work has stood up to time and the weather."
Where this piece was located is a mystery (although it must have been built on a relatively flat area, otherwise it would have simply rolled off, down the hill). Its unfinished state and Grimwood's dissatisfaction with the piece probably explain why it was never marked on any maps. He returned to Grizedale in 1984 to build a second rabbit sculpture, whether he also went back to complete this 'figure on rollers' is unknown.
Also by this artist:
Figure In A Pond 1980
Rabbit 1980
Rabbit 2 1984