Rabbit Hole Marimba
Will Menter 1991

Of Will Menter's three sound sculptures which appeared on the Ridding Wood Trail in 1991, 'Rabbit Hole Marimba' is the one everyone remembers. It was a series of vertical wooden planks suspended between small logs, built against a sort of dry-stone alcove. The planks were begging to be struck and every kid who visited Grizedale in the 1990s will, I guarantee, have done exactly that. Most of the adults probably had a go, too.
It seems I never took any pictures of Menter's works (I was too busy banging out a percussive masterpiece worthy of the Royal Albert Hall), so thank goodness for Will Menter himself, who has kindly donated his own pictures, meaning we get to admire them as they looked when they were brand spanking new.
'Rabbit Hole Marimba' was repaired at some point (without Menter's involvement), replacing the frame with standard fence posts, losing some of its charm in the process, but the same hanging planks remained, with their tell-tale signs of erosion where they had been hit by budding musicians.
Also by this artist:
Millipede Marimba 1991
Squirrel Marimba 1991
Photograph by Will Menter