Between Elephants
Iraida Cano 1995

Still there despite what the maps may tell you, 'Between Elephants' is a series of rock paintings scattered around a hillside in the Scale Green area. Once you find the main one, visible from the path but necessitating a potentially hairy cycle route crossing (perhaps this is why it got taken off the maps), then finding the rest of the elephants is simply a matter of poking about in the surrounding undergrowth. Some of them aren't as clear as they used to be sadly, the weather having worn away some of the lighter ones, but they are just about possible to spot due to a telltale eye here or there. Thanks to some fine restoration work by a fellow sculpture hunter, the main painting remains as impressive as it was in 1995. Here's what the Madrid-born artist Iraida Cano had to say about the artwork in the 1995/6 Grizedale Sculpture Guide:
"The largest and most powerful creature that walks this planet. The elephants appear, emerge, surrounding you, hide themselves in the hill, look at you very intensely."
It is certainly a fun piece, just remember to watch out for mountain bikes whizzing past if you decide to seek it out. Although the smaller elephants are hard to make out these days, here are s couple of pictures of how they looked back in the day, courtesy of Robzet.