Hot House
Jo Coupe 2002
Things got a bit weird, for want of a better word, when Adam Sutherland was appointed as the new Arts Director at Grizedale. The full story is on 'The Forest Billboard' page but basically, in attempting to shake up the Grizedale sculpture situation, he inevitably rubbed a few people up the wrong way. Jo Coupe's 'Hot House' is a fine example of how this new approach was generally misunderstood. It attracted a lot of ire due, in part, to its location; it directly replaced one of the classic old-school sculptures, David Kemp's 'Deer Hunter', positioned in exactly the same spot, in a move that could have been construed as confrontational. Also, it was less of a 'sculpture' in the traditional sense, and more of a greenhouse. In fact, it was a greenhouse.
However, it was also much more than that. The idea was to use it as a workshop for pupils from the local school, and the children used 'Hot House' to learn all about growing moulds and fungi. I'm not sure what happened to it, however, as it wasn't there for too long.