Artists A-Z
Sculptors at Grizedale, in alphabetical order, and their works.
Rupert Ackroyd
Romeo 2013
Keith Alexander
Heron and Swan 1990
Keith Armitage
Enclosure 1980
John Atkin
The Fox-Hunting Man 1988
Hunter Killer 1988
Tim Atkins
Chainsaw Sculpture 2003
Walter Bailey
Cloak of Seasons 1995
Light on Shadow 1995
Seed 1995
Threshold Figure 1995
Stuart Bastick
The Arrival 1993
Anna Best
Map 1991
Kees Bierman
Caged Wall 1986
The Sound Of Running Water 1986
Black Tower With Sarcophagus 1989
Raised Wall 1992
Simon Bill
Spawn Of The Grizedale Beast 2000
Steve Blaylock
Butterfly 2005
Crow 2005
Owl 2005
Spider, Wasp and Fly 2005
Johannes Bludau
Declining 1994
Inside Out 1994
Chris Booth
Slate Flight 1995
Charles Bray
Light Column 1995
Light Column II 1995
Light Column III 1995
Olaf Breuning
Alyson Brien
A Curve Around A Lime Tree 1983
Robert Bryce Muir
Mea Culpa 2006
Janus 2017
Owen Bullet
Romeo 2013
Richard Caink
Habitat 1994
Iraida Cano
Between Elephants 1995
Justin Carter
Boatent 2002
Hilary Cartmel
Her Insistent Stream 1985
White Water 1985
Karl Ciesluk
Decomposers 1996
Natural Forces 1996
Only One Fish Left 1996
Samantha Clark
Weeping Sap 1999
Paul Cooper
A Matter Of Facts 1984
Jo Coupe
Hot House 2002
Jeremy Cunningham
Axe Life Cycle 1991
Time Flies 1993
Gavin Darby (aka Frailloop)
Archibald Ant 2010
Oswald Owl 2012
Zoe De L'Isle Whittier
Meridian Owl 1993
Paul Dodgson
Shadow Faces Of The Forest 1999
Blurpg's House 2000
Dexter Dymoke
Ambush 2008
Jony Easterby
Hive 1996
Wind Thrust 1996
African Drums 1999
Frozen Sound 1999
Marimba 1999
David Evison
Untitled No. 1 1980
Untitled No. 2 1980
Untitled No. 3 1980
Untitled No/ 4 1980
Graham Fagan
You make Me Feel Mighty Real 2001
Hermit Hut 2002
Alan Franklin
Harbour 1995
Andy Frost
Shootin' Moose 1985
Adventure Playground 1987
Stag Herd Roof 1994
Hideo Furuta
Temple Of The Forest 1994
Eric Geddes
Portrait Of Sculpture and Places 1982
Portrait Of Sculpture and Places II 1982
Portrait Of Sculpture and Places III 1982
Portrait Of Sculpture and Places IV 1982
Portrait Of Sculpture and Places V 1982
Portrait Of Sculpture and Places VI 1982
Portrait Of Sculpture and Places VII 1982
Del Geist
Pyxis 1986
Pauline Gill
Twig Birds 2006
Will Glanfield
King's Table/Pacus 1991
We Three Kings 1991
Andy Goldsworthy
Seven Spires 1984
Woven Ash Ball 1984
Sidewinder 1985
Clare Goodwin
The Clockwork Forest 2011
Alan Grimwood
Figure In A Pond 1980
Figure On Rollers 1980
Rabbit 1980
Rabbit II 1984
S. Mark Gubb
Church In The Woods 2003
Kristaps Gulbis
Richard Harris
Cliff Structure 1977
Quarry Structure 1977
Dry Stone Passage 1982
Hollow Spruce 1988
Windblown 1991
Kevin Harrison
Confrontation 1984
The Plague Dog 1984
Steve Hollingsworth
Neon Rustique 2001
Antony Holloway
Circle Of Logs 1991
The Living Wood 1991
Spiral Growth 1993
Water Wheel 1993
The Addison Seat 1994
Biker's Rest (year unknown)
Barnaby Hosking
Red Curtain 2001
Kayt Hughes
Balance, Stack, Play 2019
Joanna Hull
Circus 1988
Fish Fork 1988
Lynne Hull
For the Birds and the Bats 1991
Tatsuo Inagaki
My Place 2002
Reece Ingram
Sethera 1998
Tread Quietly Into That Good Night 1998
Waymarkers 1998
Spawn Of The Grizedale Beast 2000
Rebecca Johnson
Second In A Series Of Attempts 2008
Morgan Jones
Axis 1988
David Kemp
The Heron 1981
Rook Crossing 1981
Scale Green Birdman 1981
Deer Hunter 1982
Forest Fugue 1984
The Woodwinders 1984
The Ancient Forester 1988
Giles Kent
Columns 1996
Pinnacles 1996
Sections Of Sitka Spruce Trunks 1996
Boris Kishkilov
Merry-Go-Round 1991
Robert Koenig
Compound For Redundant Symbols 1982
Multiple Arch 1982
The Guardians 1982
Private Meeting 1982
Trophies 1982
The Signpost 1982
Clare Langdown
Grizedale Deer 1978
Simon Lee
Solid Oak 1991
Patricia Leighton
Silurian Cant 1986
Vigil 1986
Karl Lewis
Standing Stone 1991
Nigel Lloyd
For The Birds 1983
The Fortress 1983
Half Moon Stakes 1983
Monument To Satterthwaite 1983
Stone Red Wallow 1983
Mary Low
Charcoal Art 2006
Michael Lyons
Stagnight 1984
Louisa MacDonnell
River Under Tension 1998
Jos Mahon
Mayo Landscape 1978
Di Mainstone
Time Mirror 2018
Paul Mason
Slate, Straddled and Splayed 1981
Up One Two Three 1981
Sally Matthews
Wild Boar Clearing 1988
Wolves 1993
Will Menter
Millipede Marimba 1991
Rabbit Hole Marimba 1991
Squirrel Marimba 1991
Steve Messam
Signs Of Adventure 2009
Intrastellar 2020 2020 (obviously)
Russell Mills
Shintin (aka Homage To Schwitters) 1987
Kerry Morrison
Some Fern 1997
The Spores 1998
Muf Architecture/art
David Nash
Fork Ladder 1978
Horned Tripod 1978
Running Table 1978
Standing Branch 1978
Willow Ladder 1978
Wooden Waterway 1978
Willow Ladder II 1979
Petre Nikoloski
Living Space 1990
Tim Norris
Ammonite 1996
Birgit Oigus
Ruup 2018
Pankaj Panwar
Night Cry 1990
Jim Partridge
Wooden Walkway 1986
Logpile Bridge 1987
Larch Arch 1991
Serpentine Seat 1991
Sessile Seat 1991
The Sheltered Seat 1991
Tunnel Vision 1992
Emma Posey
Omphalos 1993
Charles Poulsen
Blind Wall 1997
Gert Styan 1997
Picea 1997
Plumbstone 1997
Sitka Horizontalis 1997
Keith Rand
The Passage 1993
Jill Randall
Donald Rankin
The Fort 1984
Island Earth 1985
Alannah Robins
Ban An T'ishka 1995
Graeme Roger
Hermit Hut 2002
Colin Rose
Ting 1983
Nigel Ross
Dunkeld Seat 1995
John Mackie Seat 1995
Larch Wave Seat 1995
Lone Seat 1995
Oak Wave Seat 1995
Nigel Ross Bench 2012
Sophie Ryder
Grizedale Horse 1986
Grizedale Stag 1986
Andrew Sabin
High Fell House 2013
Gregory Scott-Gurner
Picket Fence 1998
Touchstone 1998
Belle Shafir
The Seer's Well 1994
Claire Shoosmith
Meeting and Greeting 1999
Steven Siegel
Mike Smallcombe
Ghosts In The Wood 2009
Keir Smith
The Realm Of Taurus 1979
Seven Stones Before The Old Man 1982
Last Rays Of An English Rose 2009
A Flower In Flower 2014
Somewhere Nowhere (Harriet & Rob Fraser)
Treefold: Centre 2017
Tree Pole 2018
Gilgur Stefanov
Cherubic Wings 1990
Dave Stewart
After The Rain 1996
Calum Stirling
The Forest Billboard 1999
Pay and Display 1999
Tim Stokes
Chess Warriors 1997
Terry Storry
Bread Oven 2003
Helena Styliandes
Grizedale Boar 1984
Tree Sculpture 1984
Lucy Tomlins
Concrete Country 2012
Shigeo Toya
God Of Thunder 1995
Underground Tree 1997
Kimio Tsuchiya
Stone Forest 1991
Ken Turnell
Beech Watch 1978
Forest Flight 1978
The Rider 1978
Sawrey Bank Watch 1978
The Eye 1984
Wall Relief 1984
Maseo Ueno
Axis Of Earth 1990
Polar Star 1990
Donald Urquhart
An Enlightened Stand 1998
Geurt Van Dijk
Cathedral Of Unkown Desires 1992
Liz Walmsley
Wooden Walkway 1986
Logpile Bridge 1987
Larch Arch 1991
Serpentine Seat 1991
Sessile Seat 1991
The Sheltered Seat 1991
Tunnel Vision 1992
Gilbert Ward
Celtic Ring 1984
Rob Ward
Silurian Trail 1983
Rosalind Wates
Grizedale Mosaic 1992
Linda Watson
17 Degrees South 1997
Charlie Whinney
Sharing 2017
Mountains We Made 2018
Colin Wilbourne
Heron and Swan 1990
Glyn Williams
The Hunter 1985
Keith Wilson
Boat Race 2010
Michael Winstone
Midnight Feast 1984
Waiting For Lunch 1984
To Fuel A Dream 1989
Piscatorial Flora 1991
Gordon Young
Red Sandstone Fox 1991