Spiral Growth
Antony Holloway 1993

Much-loved by me as a kid and I'm guessing by many others, this sculpture's location slap-bang in the middle of the path near the beginning of the Ridding Wood trail meant it was seen by many and probably climbed on by quite a few as well. Subsequently, it didn't last too long as the sides began to fall away, leaving the foresters no choice but to take it down, just in case it fell while someone was performing the balancing act of walking around the side of it. Holloway said this about 'Spiral Growth':
"The spirals represent growth. The sculpture unfolds as the forest twists and rises above us."
I could only find one picture of 'Spiral Growth' in my collection, but my family members wouldn't thank me for posting it here, since it contains some curious and in some cases, disturbing early-nineties fashion choices. So instead, enjoy the above photo, from the Grizedale Archive. Isn't it beautiful? Certainly more beautiful than that old Ascot jumper of my dad's.
Also by this artist:
Circle Of Logs 1991
The Living Wood 1991
Water Wheel 1993
The Addison Seat 1994
Biker's Rest (year unknown)