Balance, Stack, Play
Kayt Hughes 2019
In a modern approach to sculpture design, Kayt Hughes invited visitors to her exhibition at Grizedale Visitor Centre to create their own works of art out of colourful building blocks and post it on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter with the hashtag #balancestackplay. The winner, it was claimed, would have their miniature masterpiece scaled up and made into a full-size sculpture and so it came to be. Although at the time of writing the winner's identity is unknown (by which I mean, unknown to me), the resulting artwork can now be found on the Ridding Wood Trail.
Kayt Hughes explains her mission on her website:
"I generally work with sculpture, using my objects as props or tools for experimentation in the studio and the gallery. My work investigates the possibilities of materials and forms in a curious and naïve manner, using physical play as a way to make tests and propositions.
My practice is increasingly invested in the audience that encounters it, as I gain more confidence with my own ideas; and I aim to engage an audience to feel a sense of familiarity with the works I make, as well intrigue. I aim to prompt a number of questions from my work, and offer a framework that any viewer could feel empowered to make a response with.
It is also pivotal to consider the actual processes of producing work, and models for sustaining a creative practice, both logistically and conceptually. I wonder how this can be translated, and made relevant, accessible and useful for real people in contemporary societies."

Photograph by Amelia Harvey