Treefold: Centre
Somewhere Nowhere 2017

'Treefold: Centre' appears a simple structure at first glance but upon further investigation reveals itself to be part of a much larger picture. The 'Long View' project is the brainchild of Harriet and Rob Fraser who work together under the banner of 'Somewhere Nowhere', and has seen them build three treefold structures (essentially a round, dry stone enclosure within which a single tree is planted) across the Lake District. 'Treefold: North' sits by Ullswater, while 'Treefold: East' can be found up on the windswept limestone expanse of Little Asby Common, near Orton. Our focus, however, is 'Treefold: Centre', sitting below Carron Crag, where the original 'Ancient Forester' saw out his days. Solidly built, the treefold has a brilliant view of the upper reaches of the valley and the fells beyond now that the trees in the area have been felled (that round lump of a hill in the distance of the picture above is Fairfield), and has become popular as a resting spot. When I went to see it, some exhausted-looking cyclists had taken up temporary residence within, and despite my obvious loitering, camera-in-hand, wouldn't shift until I asked them. If you're reading this, sorry guys.
The seed of the tree was planted in early 2018 and hopefully the roots of the tree which one day grows from it won't disturb the wall too much. Each of the three treefolds has a line of poetry inscribed in the brickwork around the outside, these are excerpts from a poem written by Harriet Fraser herself. Here it is in full:
In this circle of land's bones
moments gather into wood
seeds, ideas, earth, light
elements entwine
a slow graft of time
roots deep
years weathered
taking the long view
The third, fourth and fifth lines are the bits which are carved into the brickwork of 'Treefold: Centre'.
Also by this artist:
Tree Pole 2018