Anna Best 1991

Originally appearing on the sculpture guide as 'Covering Ground', this was later changed to 'Map' and could be found halfway up the exposed hillside of High Bowkerstead. It was, in essence, an inside-out hilltop. Anna Best wrote the following in 'Natural Order':
"Project to cast and invert a hill.
Inversion landscape: mountain/lake... Forest clearing: demolition site... Hill: elevation, island, plateau... Ground: surface, earth/sky boundary... Survey: traverse, path, curve...
Cast - invert
Process - transform
Cover - dismantle
Layer - remove
Contact - confront
Focus - structure
Follow - join
Remain - convolute
Scrutinise - turn
Reepeat - elevate
Fit - horizon
Section - fragment
Delineate - place
Also by this artist (sort of):
The Forest Billboard 1999
Photograph by Val Corbett