The Arrival
Stuart Bastik 1993

On the website for the Barrow-based arts facility Art Gene, Stuart Bastik describes himself as "an artist, thinker and occasional poet... a passionate generalist who advocates knowing a little about a lot". He called 'The Arrival':
"A tranquil fusion of organic forms; a meditative, site-specific structure with a functional purpose."
The purpose being that it also doubled up as a resting place, with a commanding view all the way up Grizedale valley. I've spent many hours sitting in this structure; it was one of my favourite sculptures, so I was a bit gutted to find it had gone when I trekked up High Bowkerstead a few years back. The spot itself has lost none of its splendour though, and in recent years a new path has been carved directly up the hillside from the farm, by the boots of multiple campers.
If you get the opportunity, have a look at Stuart Bastick's excellent 'Seldom Seen' maps, charting the lost secrets of the Morcambe Bay area.