Meeting and Greeting
Claire Shoosmith 1999

A modern and funny piece, 'Meeting and Greeting' by Claire Shoosmith saw her attach some arrow-shaped signs to the trees just north of Carron Crag, with expressions and exclamations written on them, the kind of things you might hear a walker (or cyclist) in Grizedale say, such as "think it might rain" or "have you taken a picture?". You could probably write them all down on a piece of paper and play 'Pleasantries Bingo' with them, if such a game existed. Around half the signs are still there today; to find it, just follow the Carron Crag trail anti-clockwise (the intended route) and where you meet the higher of the two forest roads turn right instead of left. It's just at the next crossroads.
Shoosmith's other project while at Grizedale was an interesting one; this explanation comes courtesy of the Grizedale Arts website:
"Claire Shoosmith involved the people who work in, live in and move through the Lake District landscape. Over 400 souvenir badges were sewn on to jumpers fabricated from Hawkshead walking socks. The badges were placed geographically over the arms, neck, front and back. People were then approached in the actual badge locations and asked to have their photograph taken, wearing the jumpers."