Black Tower With Sarcophagus
Kees Bierman 1989
Coming towards the end of the Millwood Trail (presuming you've done it clockwise, that is) you'll head down a stony track and the path will split halfway down the hill, giving you the option of the smoother footpath or the public bridleway. At this junction, Kees Bierman's 'Black Tower With Sarcophagus' used to stand. It was a strange, tall black building made of wood, with a faux-sarcophagus on top. Well, I'm assuming there wasn't really a body in there, anyway. Bierman is a sculptor from the Netherlands and his designs are often open to interpretation. He said of his approach to sculpting:
"Archaeology is a science. Art is not. If an artist is engaged in his 'archaeology', there is no need to justify himself scientifically. The objects I make may refer to past cultures, but they are scientific remains. Time is an important factor in my work. An anecdote is given but the choice of materials is open - clay, wood, soil, grass, and stones - natural materials which change in the open air. After the work is realised nature takes control."
This spot has seen its fair share of sculptures down the years. 'Black Tower With Sarcophagus' was removed in the late nineties, to be replaced with FAT's 'You Make Me Feel Mighty Real' not long after. Pauline Gill's 'Twig Birds' followed, but now the spot is empty.
Also by this artist:
Caged Wall 1986
The Sound Of Running Water 1986
Raised Wall 1992