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Triangular Suspension

Robert Koenig 1982

Photograph by Robert Koenig

Robert Koenig is a Manchester-born sculptor who is currently based in Sussex, and Triangular Suspension was his first sculpture in Grizedale, marking the beginning of a successful residency during which he created some of the forest's most enduring works. This one however, does not remain, or at least if it does, I've been unable to find it.

It was essentially a wooden isosceles triangle balanced upside-down on its apex, with two more pieces of wood suspended from the top. Koenig worked exclusively with materials gathered from the forest, and said this about Triangular Suspension:

"My general plan was to find a site with fallen trees nearby. Most of the sculptures were thus created and sited close to the original source of timber.

The first three sculptures: Triangular Suspension, Multiple Arch and Trophies, were grouped together on a plateau halfway up a long, gradual slope. They overlook two valleys on either side and a stream. They are each separate sculptures but also work together as evidence of some past activity or remnants of a once occupied site."

Also by this artist:

Compound For Redundant Symbols 1982

Multiple Arch 1982

The Guardians 1982

Private Meeting 1982

Trophies 1982

The Signpost 1983


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