Emma Posey 1993

This mysterious piece could be found near the start of the Silurian Way, nestled deep in the trees at the top of the stony path from the Visitor Centre. Taking it's name from the Greek for 'naval', Emma Posey built this spherical structure as a contrast to the trees around it, as she explained:
"Walking through the forest I was attracted to the areas of coniferous trees, their tall vertical trunks and their mottled light streaking through the branches - the warm colour of the needles carpeting the ground. The atmosphere created had a strong presence.
I wanted to build a rounded, smooth structure in contrast to the vertical trunks and imagined the beginnings of the trees as nuts and cones with their curves and folds.
I found myself echoing the hills and valleys. The terrain is a container for the lakes, like a boat is also a vessel.
I hope people explore the structure and use it as a base to observe the space around. I want the shapes to complement the forest, to sit quietly amongst the trees."
This contrast ended when the trees around were felled, leaving the sculpture standing alone in a barren expanse, losing none of its impact in the process.